
Select Language:

Pre/Post Testing of An Experimental and Control/Comparison Group

Please be aware that your data should:


1. Contain two different groups of participants

2. Contain measuements for the same participants in the pre- and post-tests

*Your data will automatically be checked for normality and an appropriate test will be selected

Input Data Below or Click to Upload from CSV File:

Experiment Group
Pre-Test Data:

Experiment Group
Post-Test Data:

Control Group
Pre-Test Data:

Control Group
Post-Test Data:

The description of your test will be printed here:

Your results will be printed here:

Please cite the following paper if you use this program or any of the statistics herein. The justifications are included in the paper, linked below for your reference.

Spring, R. (2022) Free, Online, Multilingual Statistics for Linguistics and Language Education Researchers. Center for Culture and Language Education, Tohoku University 2021 Nenpo, 8, 32-38.