English I-A

Register Attendance

Tuesday 1st period, Tuesday 3rd period, Wednesday 1st period

Class Schedule and Assignments

Class No. Content Homework (start on this day)
1 Introduction
Practice with TOEFL and Pathways Website
Read Chapter 1 & Online HW01
Suffixes Lesson
Practice with Word Parts
Online HW02
Study Suffixes &
Do at least 20 of each type of Suffix Flashcards
3 Suffixes Quiz
Prefixes Lesson
Reading Practice 1
Reading Practice 2
Online HW03
Study Prefixes &
Do at least 20 of each type of Prefix Flashcards
4 Prefixes Quiz
TOEFL SW Introduction
Online HW04
Study First 20 Roots &
Do at least 15 of each type of Roots Flashcards
5 Roots Quiz 1
TOEFL Reading Introduction
Read Chapter 3 & Online HW05
Study Second 20 Roots &
Do at least 15 of each type of Roots Flashcards
Roots Quiz 2
Skimming and Scanning Lesson
Practice 1
Complete 2 sets (1 set = 10 questions) on the Pathways Skimming and Scanning Tool
Online HW06
Study Last 15 Roots &
Do at least 15 of each type of Roots Flashcards
7 Roots Quiz 3
Reading Practice 2
Reading Practice 3
Read Chapter 2 & Online HW07
Review Word Parts with Flashcards (at least 20 tries of each)
8 Synonym Vocabulary Lesson
Practice with Synonym List
Study first 10 pairs of synonyms (Table 1; 1~10)
Synonyms Flashcards (at least 20 tries each)
Synonyms Quiz 1
Synonym Reading Practice
Study second 10 pairs of synonyms (Table 1; 11~20)
Synonyms Flashcards (at least 20 tries each)
10 Synonyms Quiz 2
Practice with Synonyms in Context
Online HW08
Study third 10 pairs of synonyms (Table 1; 21~30)
Synonyms Flashcards (at least 20 tries each)
No CLASS on June 18/19
11 Synonyms Quiz 3
Summarizing and Paraphrasing Lesson
Paraphrasing Practice
Read Chapter 4 & Online HW09
Study fourth 10 pairs of synonyms (Table 1; 31~40)
Synonyms Flashcards (at least 20 tries each)
12 Synonyms Quiz 4
Summarizing Practice
Online HW10
Study fifth 10 pairs of synonyms (Table 1; 41~50)
Synonyms Flashcards (at least 20 tries each)
13 Synonyms Quiz 5
Summarizing Practice
Online HW11
Study last 10 pairs of synonyms (Table 1; 51~60)
Synonyms Flashcards (at least 20 tries each)
14 Synonyms Quiz 6
Summarizing and Paraphasing in Context
Online HW12
Review for Final Test
15 Final Test N/A